Prime Action: Part 1

And we're back! Thought I would resurrect the ol' blog to share a few things and talk some smack. I'm currently all out of smack, so let's start sharing. 

First up - AMAZON PRIME!! And we're going full 90's!! The folks over at Prime are running the streaming game! Each one of these flicks reminds me of staying up way past my bedtime and just binging whatever the TV Gods blessed me with. I won't waste anymore of your time, so let's get into it. Click the title for a direct link to the flicks.

When Ethan's older brother Greg is found dead, the police rule the case a suicide, but Ethan suspects foul play stemming from Greg's recent involvement with a martial arts team called the Scorpions. Ethan is also accomplished at martial arts, and he determines to join the Scorpions as a means of learning what really happened to Greg. - IMDB

Watch for Feldman's denim and belt combo and stay for the killer '90s karate. 

Ken has just moved from Kansas with his mother. He talks to a girl named Julie, not knowing that her boyfriend Tom is very possessive of her. Tom is learning karate from Lee, a sensei whose brother was killed by a rookie cop named Billy. Billy has since then become the janitor of the school that Ken, Julie and Tom go to. When Ken gets beaten up by Tom for talking to Julie again, Billy helps Ken by teaching him how to defend himself, which eventually leads to a battle between student vs. student, and sensei vs. sensei. - IMDB

This one was a favorite growing up. HBO would throw this masterpiece on and I would spend the rest of the day kicking my sisters dolls in the face. Or they were my dolls. Do something! 

This is the Billy Blanks movie that I remember the most as a kid. Filled with 30 year old high school kids and jump kicks! WATCH IT!  

Law and order" mayorial candidate Brigitte Nielsen is the ruthless and racist leader of a secret neo-fascist group out to take control of the city by whatever means necessary. - IMDB

I have never seen this and I hate myself for that. This just looks INSANE! I really have no idea what to think of this trailer. Is this cop the good guy? Cause he honestly looks batshit crazy! It's gotta be good since it stars, "The hottest stars of Martial Arts." 

After his partner is wounded, an avenging cop goes after the people responsible: a group of backwoods, Southern religiously fanatical racists who pose as Libyan terrorists. Who could possibly be more deserving of vengeance?- RT

 This is... it's a movie. Maybe. I don't even know. I ... I got nothing for you. Just watch the trailer. 

The government's new urban renewal policy results in street gangs fighting for control of the inner cities. While most of the residents flee, one factory owner determines to fight the gangs for his property. - IMDB

Okay, I know I said we were going full '90s, but I couldn't help myself. I love a gang flick ran by a corrupt cop and even more so when it's Robert Z'Dar. RIP! 

Thanks for reading and look out for more bangers from Prime. 


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