'Tis The Season
Trick'r Treat just received an amazing review over at FirstShowing.net. If you haven't seen the trailer (which doesn't look like anything special) peep it.
This is still the old trailer but it fit in with the post. I've been looking forward to seeing this one for a while now.
Guess who's bizzack? Trailer is just a dry hump and the poster is whateva. Jason ready to strike...now that's beautiful. Lets just hope this doesn't become another Halloween.
I've watched every trailer for Let The Right On In, and the original is still the best. This is definitely on my top 5 to see right away. Comes out today. A US remake is already in production. F that.
This is ... yeah. Looks just like the original. Just new. And in 3-D. I don't know. I had to post it.
You already know. Most anticipated. New poster, new trailer, more excitement.
Michael Rapaport with special powers? Yes please!
Gran Torino is the newest film from the legendary Clint Eastwood. Now this is the Eastwood I love to see. "Get off my lawn!" Watch and repeat.